I have “ripped” DVDs of singings filmed by Nate Green and uploaded some of them to YouTube (with is permission). I used the publicly posted “Minutes,” published by Sacred Harp Musical Heritage Association, to give a track listing for the videos. These videos are from the personal collection of Mary Wright, passed on to me by the Richmond Shape Note Singers.

Videos listed in chronological order:
Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church — Sunday, June 19, 2005
* The video itself states “Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church Annual Sacred Harp Singing Section, Alabama” “Chairman Jarrod George” and then it begins time/date stamped “Jun 19 2005 9:10:13am”. A handwritten “sticky note” on the plastic DVD case states: “I did not reset the clock and this camera from a Georgia singing. You will need to add an hour to all time shown. Also, you will notice some Distortion at about the end of the second hour. It will only last about 2 minutes. Nate” No minutes are recorded in the Minutes Book for this event.
Salem United Methodist Church — Saturday, June 25, 2005
Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church — Sunday, June 18, 2006
Lookout Mountain Convention — August 25, 2007
*Unlisted until filmographer determined. You can click through here to view the video, but it is not openly listed on YouTube. The DVD had no name credited, and the handwriting is different than many of the Nate & Norma Green DVDs I have. It is similar to handwriting on a DVD by Bill Windom, thought it is not online in the Sacred Harp Museum collection of Windom’s videos.
Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church — Sunday, June 15, 2008
Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church — Sunday, June 20, 2010
Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church — Sunday, June 20, 2010 (silent slideshow)