Our group is for people interested in shape note singing in the Baltimore, Maryland area.
Four Hour Day Lutherie
(4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD)
from 7 – 9:30pm on the
4th Tuesday of the month
(unless it is a holiday).
We sing from the The Sacred Harp (1991 revision), The Shenandoah Harmony, and sometimes other shape note sources. All are welcome, no experience is required, and loaner tune books are available.
Shape note singing is an American, a cappella choral tradition with roots that stretch back into the 18th century. We sing four part harmony, printed with shaped note heads which are designed to help with sight reading music.
Characterized by open harmonies and a raw, powerful sound, these tunes speak of death and love and powerful forces. All religious affiliations (and un-affiliations) are welcome to join us. We sing for each other and the joy of singing. There is no audience and no director. This music designed for participation, rather than performance.
We announce our singings on Facebook and a mailing list!